Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Movie Analysis Remember That You - 1607 Words

Epictetus says, â€Å"Remember that you are an actor in a play, which is as the playwright wants it to be: short if he wants to short, long if he wants it long. If he wants you to play a beggar, play even this part skillfully, or a cripple, or a public official, or a private citizen. What is yours is to play the assigned part well. But to choose it belongs to someone else† (#17). Epictetus comes from a stoic school of philosophy, this maxim means that people are who they are meant to be. Everything that happens has been written and even if it is something awful the characters have to just be okay with it because, as Epictetus puts it, â€Å"you are an actor in a play, which is as the playwright wants it to be.† Even if someones life contains events like death, loss, or full destruction of oneself they have to just embrace it and realize that this is the life they were destined to have. This maxim could mean a lot of things, for example, someone is destined to be who the y are and instead of fighting against it they just have to just embrace it. This could be seen in a lot of different ways, for example, it could mean in terms of ones family values or religious interpretations. Les Brown once said, â€Å"Just because Fate doesn t deal you the right cards, it doesn t mean you should give up. It just means you have to play the cards you get to their maximum potential.† In a lot of literature the characters have some kind of drama or damning part that takes place in their life. Many of theseShow MoreRelatedRemember The Titans Film Analysis1202 Words   |  5 PagesFilm Analysis Paper: Remember the Titans This paper will analyze the film Remember the Titans through a social psychological perspective using principles that are depicted throughout the film. This film takes place in Virginia during the segregation years. 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